4th Grade

Hello 4th grade families! Welcome to another adventurous year in your education. The 4th grade team is excited to get to know you all. We encourage you to communicate with us whenever you need. Our goal is to encourage independent and critical thinking. A big theme in 4th grade is explaining your thinking and proving it!

When we are exploring our Math concepts, students will be able to explain their thinking/process and then build on that to solve problems and connect to bigger ideas. This also applies to Reading, so when a student reads a text, they can explain the whys and the hows of the text and show exactly how and where they found that using text evidence. It really deepens their understanding of what’s being read and that knowledge carries over into all other content areas like Social Studies and Science. Students will also be using their Writing skills in all areas to prove their thinking. We practice discussion around our thinking and then using that to enhance our writing.

These are skills that we will practice daily, as it is a never-ending learning experience. Everything works together!

Evan Hall

Evan Hall

4th Grade Teacher

[email protected] 

Desiree Allen

Desiree Allen

4th grade ELA teacher

[email protected]

Lucas ShuttleworthLucas Shuttleworth

4th Grade STEM Teacher

 [email protected]